Worth Every Penny – Lucent Facial Concentrate by Aesop

I went to the Turkish baths in Harrogate today. It was a fabulous experience, and it really opened up my pores. However, I did notice that afterwards, my skin felt slightly dry. Thankfully, because of my new (rather expensive) investment of Lucent Facial Concentrate by Aesop, I didn’t have to suffer too long.

I’ve always been a big advocator of skin care. I think I took this from my mother, who like me has seriously sensitive skin – she invests in quality skincare products, as do I.

My facial skin is funny – it’s like it has split personalities. In the warmer summer months my skin’s oily but come the cooler climes and the blustery winter, my face transforms and my skin appears dry and parched. On both occasions, it’s not a good look.

I often switch up my skincare routine depending on the season. Come winter, I search for non-oily hydrating products, which is why Lucent Facial Concentrate by Aesop is a Godsend.

I’ve been experimenting with Lucent Facial Concentrate for a month or so now. At first, I was reluctant to spend so much on a skincare product that was foreign to me. However, I’m glad I took the plunge, because let’s face it, not all the online beauty reviews are in line with the actual product. But believe the hype with Aesop’s latest serum!

What do I like about Aesop’s Lucent Facial Concentrate? It’s super lightweight, which is a big plus for me – many face serums that I’ve used in the past have been heavy and restricting. In fact, as soon as I sampled this rose petal infused product, I felt refreshed. It was light, cooling and very refreshing. It also moisturises really well, meaning that makeup and other products can be applied evenly after the application.

Yes, Aesop’s skincare products do come with a higher price tag, but over the years I’ve learnt that any product you put on your skin should be an investment.

You can get your Lucent Facial Concentrate from http://www.aesop.com for £77

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